We will conduct an initial consultation to introduce our company, fully explain how our service works, identify your primary objectives and answer any questions you may have.
We will spend time getting to know you, to understand your circumstances, goals, objectives and preferences in as much detail as possible. Where applicable, we will also conduct a risk profile analysis and gather information on your existing plans, policies and arrangements.
We will analyse and process the information that we have gathered so that we can start building a plan for you. If any solutions or products are needed, then we will make suitability checks to ascertain your relevant knowledge, experience, objectives, financial situation and ability to bear losses.
We will hold a follow up meeting to discuss our proposals with you in detail, answering any questions you may have and making any adjustments if necessary. Prior to any transaction we will also provide you with a suitability report that outlines the full details of any recommendations we have made in writing, including the selling, holding or buying of investments. When we provide you with our suitability report it will be your decision whether to implement our recommendations either completely or in part.
The next step is for us to oversee the implementation of our recommendations. We will help you complete the relevant forms and paperwork to ensure that everything is set up correctly. We will communicate regularly to keep you informed of progress. Any policy documents will be forwarded to you as required.
As your circumstances change and evolve, so will your needs and objectives. Our ongoing service is designed to ensure that your plan remains on track. We will monitor your progress and maintain focus on your future. All clients receiving our Ongoing Service will benefit from:
• A dedicated adviser;
• Ongoing support with correspondence and administration issues;
• Structured annual reviews;
• An annual reassessment of your circumstances;
• Changes to your plans as and when they are needed;
• Updates and information regarding your investments.