7 September, 2017

The Benefits of Financial Advice

If you need professional help planning and structuring your financial future or navigating the complex world of pensions, insurance, investments or retirement income, then you could benefit from financial advice.

· Achieve financial goals – An adviser has the skills, knowledge and time to research and recommend solutions to meet your objectives.

· Avoid financial pitfalls – By taking financial advice you may avoid taking too much risk with your investments, paying too much tax or running out of money in your retirement.

· Have peace of mind – Financial advisers must adhere to the highest possible standards and any advice you’re given is regulated and protected.

How can financial advice help?

Lionmede can help you reach financial goals at different stages in your life.

· Saving and investing for the future – Make smarter choices when it comes to ISAs and other investments.

· Planning for retirement – Get help to set up a new pension plan and review any existing plans to make sure you’re on track.

· Managing retirement income – Get advice on how to manage your pension money, such as taking an income or withdrawing a lump sum.

· Tax planning – Get help to improve your tax-efficiency and avoid tax traps.

· Safeguarding wealth – Get advice on protecting your family or business interests from death or illness.

At Lionmede, we provide an independent, professional and reliable service that is focused on growing and preserving the wealth of our clients. We can help identify what support you need and talk you through your options. Your first consultation is free and without any obligation to proceed. We’ll explain how we can help, the options available and how much advice is likely to cost.

You can arrange a meeting at our offices in Essex and London or we can visit you at home or at work. For more information about what we can offer you, call our team on 0203 6386 698 or email enquiry@lionmede.co.uk.